About Me


 My name is Pamela R and I have loved everything about fashion and beauty for as long as I can remember. I know I got my love for fashion from my mother and grandmother. My grandmother was a seamstress and my mother constantly had things made while growing up. My love for traveling also developed at an early age I got my first passport at the age of 1 and it was gifted to me by my grandfather so I could go see him in Chile. I have worked in fashion since I was 16 with a school permit. My first job was Aldo in NY. Since then I have worked for different clothing stores and makeup stores making sure everyone feels their best. I think fashion lets people express themselves without any words and most of the time it is the first thing people remember. Fashion is so important that most women spend 287 days out of their lives thinking of what they are going to wear according to a study posted by Glamour magazine. That is a lot of time saying ” I don’t know what to wear! or I don’t have anything to put on!” Fashion is something that has defined different cultures, eras, and even music. It helps us better explain who we are to the world.